Munay Ki Rites
Munay Ki Rites to offer protection, healing, and enlightenment.
Munay Ki Rites is a nine-step process to heal the wounds of the past: not just the past of our childhood, but karmic and ‘past life’ wounds. Through healing these wounds (that perhaps we have carried for many lifetimes) we are then free to become who we truly are. The Munay Ki consists of nine rites of initiation. This ‘initiation’ will, in effect ‘raise your vibration’.
These nine rites, that exist in every shamanic tradition though in different forms, evolved from the great rites of initiation of the Earthkeepers of old. These courageous medicine men and women crossed the frozen Baring Straits from Siberia to the Americas during the glacial period around 30,000 years ago.
The rites consist of nine processes in the form of energetic transmissions. These energetic transmissions are given to you by someone who has themselves received the Munay Ki rites. You in turn will be able to pass the rites on to others once you have received them.
Munay Ki Rites
The first rite is the Awakening of the Heart. This rite helps you to connect with your innermost feelings and emotions. It allows you to experience love and compassion for yourself and others.
The second rite is the Healing of the Wounds. This rite helps you to heal the emotional wounds that you may have carried with you for many years. It allows you to let go of the pain and hurt that you have been holding onto.
The third rite is the Harmonization of the Masculine and Feminine. This rite helps you to balance the masculine and feminine energies within yourself. It allows you to create harmony and peace within yourself.
The fourth rite is the Transmission of the Light. This rite helps you to connect with the universal light and energy. It allows you to receive guidance and support from the divine.
The fifth rite is the Purification of the Energy Bodies. This rite helps you to purify your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. It allows you to release any negative energy that may be holding you back.
The sixth rite is the Awakening of the Chakras. This rite helps you to awaken your chakras and energy centers. It allows you to connect with your inner power and wisdom.
The seventh rite is the Integration of the Parts. This rite helps you to integrate all of the parts of yourself. It allows you to become whole and complete.
The eighth rite is the Union with the Divine. This rite helps you to connect with the divine presence. It allows you to experience oneness with all that is.
The ninth rite is the Descent of the Eagle. This rite helps you to receive the gifts of courage, strength, and wisdom from the Eagle. It allows you to be empowered and transformed.